Label Ranking Algorithms: A Survey

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Shankar Vembu, Thomas Gärtner: Label Ranking Algorithms: A Survey. In: Fürnkranz, J. and Hüllermeier, E.: Preference Learning, 2011, 45-64.



Label ranking is a complex prediction task where the goal is to map instances to a total order over a finite set of predefined labels. An interesting aspect of this problem is that it subsumes several supervised learning problems, such as multiclass prediction, multilabel classification, and hierarchical classification. Unsurprisingly, there exists a plethora of label ranking algorithms in the literature due, in part, to this versatile nature of the problem. In this paper, we survey these algorithms.

Extended Abstract


booktitle={Preference Learning},
editor={Fürnkranz, Johannes and Hüllermeier, Eyke},
title={Label Ranking Algorithms: A Survey},
url={, },
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Vembu, Shankar and Gärtner, Thomas},

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