Line Drawings vs. Curvature Shading: Scientific Illustration of Range Scanned Artefacts
Christian Hörr, Guido Brunnett, Christian Vix: Line Drawings vs. Curvature Shading: Scientific Illustration of Range Scanned Artefacts. In: Pauline Jepp, Oliver Deussen (Eds.): Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics, 2010. 41-49
For scientific archaeological illustrations, pen-and-ink drawings are traditionally the most prevalent type. Over the years, drawing styles have substantially changed several times and even today there is basically no general agreement about how to illustrate objects best. Without doubt, this is one major reason why most computergenerated line drawings are still recognized as such, although non-photorealistic rendering has made significant advances during the past decade. With a special focus on cultural heritage objects and the theoretical and practical restrictions of current NPR techniques on scanned range data, we discuss the question if line drawings could generally be replaced by a detail-shaded view, which highlights relevant features, but still conveys an objective plastic impression as well.
Extended Abstract
@inproceedings{Horr:2010:LDV:2381312.2381320, author = {H\"{o}rr, Christian and Brunnett, Guido and Vix, Christian}, title = {Line Drawings vs. Curvature Shading: Scientific Illustration of Range Scanned Artefacts}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging}, series = {Computational Aesthetics'10}, year = {2010}, isbn = {978-3-905674-24-8}, location = {London, United Kingdom}, pages = {41--49}, numpages = {9}, url = {, }, doi = {10.2312/COMPAESTH/COMPAESTH10/041-049}, acmid = {2381320}, publisher = {Eurographics Association}, address = {Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland}, }
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