The Escher evolver: evolution to the people
A. E. Eiben, R. Nabuurs, I. Booij: The Escher evolver: evolution to the people. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 425 - 439
This chapter describes the Escher Evolver project. The objective of this project was to design and implement an evolutionary algorithm framework supporting the creation of images in the style of M. C. Escher based on subjective selection. The entire software environment has been deployed in the City Museum of the Hague as part of an Escher exhibition that ran from May to October 2000. The chapter observes the technical aspects of the implementation as well as the cognitive processes regarding the visitors of the exhibition. The Escher Evolver project had two origins. The first of these was the intention of the City Museum (Gemeentemuseum) in the Hague, the Netherlands, to organize a large exhibition devoted to the Dutch artist M. C. Escher. Although Escher had no background in mathematics, his insights and self-study led him to an art form that is based on the geometry of two- and three-dimensional spaces. Particularly popular Escher works are his pictures based on tiling in the two-dimensional plane. These images feature animal-like figures that complement each other, thus forming a complete coverage of the plane. The second origin of this project lies in the author's regular university course on evolutionary computation.
Extended Abstract
@incollection{Eiben2002425, title = "Chapter 17 - The Escher Evolver: Evolution to the People ", editor = "Corne, Peter J BentleyDavid W. ", booktitle = "Creative Evolutionary Systems ", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", edition = "", address = "San Francisco", year = "2002", pages = "425 - 439", series = "The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence", isbn = "978-1-55860-673-9", doi = "", url = " ", author = "A.E. Eiben and R. Nabuurs and I. Booij" }
Used References
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