The Glitch Moment(um)

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Menkman, R.: The Glitch Moment(um). Network Notebooks, vol. 04. Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam (2011). ISBN 9789081602167



Glitch first came into my life in 2005, when I visited the world wide wrong exhibition by the Dutch/Belgium artist collective Jodi (Joan Heemskerk and Dirk Paesmans) at Mon- teVideo/Time Based Arts in Amsterdam (now known as the NIMK, Netherlands Media Art Institute). An introductory text on the work of the artists by Annet Dekker went a long way in articulating the artists’ deconstructive methods. However, the work that made the biggest impression on me, untitled game (1996-2001), which was a modification of the videogame quake 1, seemed the most incomprehensible. I could only understand it as irrational and void of meaning, and so I walked away from it, confused and titillated. In hindsight, I learned about myself in that moment – about my expectations and concep- tions of how a videogame should work. The strange game seemed only to return me to my own perspectives and expectations around the medium that it was failing to be. A second text by Josephine Bosma usefully outlined Jodi’s active deprogramming of computers, and the paradoxes and tensions inherent to their working method. Even still, untitled game in particular remained for me under-articulated in theory, which increased my curiosity about this kind of art practice. I did not realize it then, but my taste for glitch, and for its potential to interrogate conventions through crashes, bugs, errors and viruses, was spawned by that initial and persistent critical evasion of untitled game from my theoretical grasp.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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