Generative Art 2008: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Celestino Soddu (ed.): Generative Art 2008 GA2008, XII generative Art Conference 15-17 December 2008. ISBN:
== Reference ==
== Reference ==
Celestino Soddu (ed.): Generative Art 2008 GA2008, XII generative Art Conference 16-18 December 2008. ISBN: 978-88-96610-01-5.
== DOI ==
== DOI ==
Zeile 15: Zeile 13:
== Table of contents==
== Table of contents==
Celestino Soddu   opening GA2008 Politecnico di Milano University Italy
Celestino Soddu: opening GA2008.
A. van der Zee - Bauke de Vries abstract Design by computation Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands paper
Anthony Viscardi abstract “REBAR” : making the ordinary-extraordinary - Arms, Wings and Mechanical Things (poster) Department of Art and Architecture, Lehigh University US paper + poster
A. van der Zee - Bauke de Vries: Design by computation.
Carlos Aguilar - Hod Lipson abstract SEURAT: robotic painter Cornell University, Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering US paper + artwork
Celestino Soddu abstract Alive Codeness Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano University Italy paper
Anthony Viscardi: “REBAR” : making the ordinary-extraordinary - Arms, Wings and Mechanical Things (poster).
Christian Kerrigan abstract The 200 year continuum Architect UK paper
Daniel Bisig - Martin Neukom abstract Swarm Based Music - Towards a Repertory of Strategies Zurich University of the Arts Switzerland paper + installation
Carlos Aguilar - Hod Lipson: SEURAT: robotic painter.
Enrica Colabella abstract Generative Art Generative Design Lab, Politecnico di Milano University Italy paper
Gail Kenning abstract Exploring Evolutionary Possibilities for Digital Doilies College of Fine Arts Australia paper
Celestino Soddu: Alive Codeness.
Hector Rodriguez abstract Kinematograph City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong paper
Hela Ben Maallem - Paul Richard - Jean-Louis Ferrier abstract Can computer-aided Design be considered as Art or a Technique or Mathematics? University of Tunis - University of Angers Tunisia-France paper
Christian Kerrigan: The 200 year continuum.
Hsiao Chun-Shuo - Liou Shuenn-Ren abstract Generating Architectural Envelope through Mathematica Tunghai University, Department of Architecture Taiwan paper
Iro Laskari abstract The Generative Audiovisual Narrative system National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece paper
Daniel Bisig - Martin Neukom: Swarm Based Music - Towards a Repertory of Strategies.
Jan Kubasiewicz abstract The Language of Motion in the Context of Dynamic Media Dynamic Media Institute at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston US paper
Jean-Paul Courchia  - Righini M. - Courchia B. abstract The “Accusing Glance”: Change In Eye Movements During The Observation Of A Van Gogh’s Painting Before And After Artistic Information On The Work Of Art. Saint-Joseph’s Hospital. Dpt of Ophthalmology - Ben-Gurion University France paper
Enrica Colabella: Generative Art.
John Frazer - Gu Yan abstract A Generative Nervous System for the Planet Head of School of Design - Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering
Queensland University of Technology Brisbane - Melbourne School of Design Australia paper
Gail Kenning: Exploring Evolutionary Possibilities for Digital Doilies.
Marie-Pascale Corcuff abstract Chance and Generativity Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Bretagne France paper
Morteza Yamani abstract The achievement of paper’s high relief pattern through the application of heat, grain direction and releasing the strength of fibres. University of Tehran  Iran paper
Hector Rodriguez: Kinematograph.
Nick Spratt abstract Encouraging idleness – the networked screensaver Unitec School of Design New Zealand paper
Oday Qussay Al-chalabi - Talaat  I. Alaane abstract The bases of generative Tomb in Islamic Architecture University of Mosul, Department of Architecture Iraq paper
Hela Ben Maallem - Paul Richard - Jean-Louis Ferrier: Can computer-aided Design be considered as Art or a Technique or Mathematics?
Peter Beyls abstract On-line Development of Man-Machine Relationships: Motivation-driven Musical Interaction. University of Plymouth - University College Ghent Belgium paper
Philip Galanter abstract : What is Complexism? Generative Art and the Cultures of Science and the Humanities Texas A&M University, Department of Visualization, College or Architecture US paper
Hsiao Chun-Shuo - Liou Shuenn-Ren: Generating Architectural Envelope through Mathematica.
Renato Saleri Lunazzi - Marian Janda abstract GRUE: Génération régulée pour un urbanisme environmental Laboratoire MAP aria UMR CNRS 694 - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon - INterland  France paper
Romain Clair - Nicolas Monmarché - Mohamed Slimane abstract Interactions between an artificial colony of musical ants and an impaired human composer: towards accessible generative arts. Université François Rabelais Tours, Laboratoire d'informatique France paper
Iro Laskari: The Generative Audiovisual Narrative system.
Tatsuo Unemi - Daniel Bisig abstract A generative remixing of music tracks based on an interactive swarm Soka University - Zurich University of the Arts  Switzerland - Japan paper + installation
Ted & Susan Carden abstract Mnemonic Descriptors as Generative Principles in Digital Type Northumbria University School of Design - Glasgow School of Art and Design UK paper
Jan Kubasiewicz: The Language of Motion in the Context of Dynamic Media.
Tim Ireland abstract Sniffing space University College London (UCL), UK paper
Enrica Colabella - Celestino Soddu - Su Stentu abstract in tundu tundu, ad continuum Generative Design Lab, Politecnicio di Milano University; Su Stentu, Serramanna Italy performance
Jean-Paul Courchia  - Righini M. - Courchia B.: The “Accusing Glance”: Change In Eye Movements During The Observation Of A Van Gogh’s Painting Before And After Artistic Information On The Work Of Art.
Dev Paramanik abstract New Rhythms of Pattern: Generating textile print patterns through motion-sensing technology   College of Art Design & Built Environment UK poster
Celestino Soddu abstract Ad continuum following the invention of G.B. Piranesi Generative Design Lab, Politecnicio di Milano University Italy poster
John Frazer - Gu Yan: A Generative Nervous System for the Planet.
Maria Ludovica Tramontin - Alessandro Uras abstract From to digital to fabrication: an academic experience at the University of Cagliari University of Cagliari - Pratt Institute (NY) Italy poster
Chiara Geroldi abstract Force & Geometry Delft University of Technology, Department of Hyperbody  Netherlands poster
Marie-Pascale Corcuff: Chance and Generativity.
Aldo Fagà abstract Sistemi Ecolutivi Achitecture Faculty of Siracusa, University of Catania, Italy Italia short paper
Chen Chih-Wei abstract Visual-communication representative system National Yunlin University of science &technology, Department of computational design, Taiwan short paper
Morteza Yamani: The achievement of paper’s high relief pattern through the application of heat, grain direction and releasing the strength of fibres.
Hua Hao - Li Biao -  Zhang Hong abstract Self-adaptation to High Density Based on Sunlight Analysis Southeast University, Nanjing China short paper
Hua Hao - Li Biao - Lu Yu -  abstract Generative Tool for Courtyard Pattern Southeast University, Nanjing China short paper
Nick Spratt: Encouraging idleness – the networked screensaver.
Lee Wan-Jhen - Chien Sheng-Fen abstract A Generative Knowledge base System for Paper Packaging design National Yunlin University of science &technology, Department of computational design, Taiwan short paper
Liao Hsiu-Ting abstract Concept Gradual Change with Shape Grammar National Yunlin University of science &technology, Department of computational design, Taiwan short paper
Oday Qussay Al-chalabi - Talaat  I. Alaane: The bases of generative Tomb in Islamic Architecture.
Maria Ludovica Tramontin - Vittorio Tramontin abstract Generative Features: a Parametric Approach for exploring novel potential in Architectural Design Process University of Cagliari - Pratt Institute (NY) Italy short paper
Xu Ze Wei abstract De Code: A Generative System for Decorative Pattern Design National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Taiwan short paper
Peter Beyls: On-line Development of Man-Machine Relationships: Motivation-driven Musical Interaction.
Heloisa Helena da Fonseca Carneiro Leão abstract Is It Possible That Aesthetics Actions Promote Habit Changes And Tinge the World With A New Color? Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Brazil short paper
Terrie Man Chi Cheung - Brian Sze Hang Kwok abstract McSoundscape – A Soundscape Project to Represent The Spatial Identity of McDonald Restaurants In Hong Kong Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Cultural & Religious Studies, Visual Culture Studies
[[Philip Galanter]]: What is Complexism? Generative Art and the Cultures of Science and the Humanities.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong short paper + artwork
Giuseppe Marinelli - Mauro Palatucci abstract The future and the process of becoming: Reversiblity or Irreversiblity in the process between generative patterns and emerging factors ISIA Roma Design Italia short paper + poster
Renato Saleri Lunazzi - Marian Janda: GRUE: Génération régulée pour un urbanisme environmental.
HengFeng Zuo, Mark Jones abstract Texture: Visual Vs Tactile, Micro Vs Macro School of Design, Southampton Solent University UK short paper + poster
Mehrdad Garousi
Romain Clair - Nicolas Monmarché - Mohamed Slimane: Interactions between an artificial colony of musical ants and an impaired human composer: towards accessible generative arts.
abstract Travelling through an infinite loop of planets Fractal artist Iran artwork
Sofia Oliveira - Jared Hawkey abstract TODAY – Mobile Application by CADA artwork Lisbon Portugal artwork installation
[[Tatsuo Unemi]], Daniel Bisig: A generative remixing of music tracks based on an interactive swarm.
Laurel Johannesson abstract Respiro Alberta College of Art & Design Canada artwork installation
Jeanne Criscola abstract Tech_no_logica Quinnipiac University School of Communications US artwork installation
Ted & Susan Carden: Mnemonic Descriptors as Generative Principles in Digital Type.
Jennifer Kincaid abstract SIX FACTORIAL TIMES FOUR TO THE SIXTH artist US artwork installation
Paul Kirby
Tim Ireland: Sniffing space.
  presentation of his artwork made with robots   US attending the conference
Linda Chiu-han Lai
Enrica Colabella - Celestino Soddu - Su Stentu: in tundu tundu, ad continuum. performance
  participating to discussions School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong HK attending the conference
Tamara Lai abstract no future baby? Artist Belgium web installation
Dev Paramanik: New Rhythms of Pattern: Generating textile print patterns through motion-sensing technology.
Anabela Costa abstract LIQST_liquid state Artist Portugal movie
David Gladstein abstract FF— San Francisco US movie
Celestino Soddu: Ad continuum following the invention of G.B. Piranesi. poster
Maria Ludovica Tramontin - Alessandro Uras: From to digital to fabrication: an academic experience at the University of Cagliari. poster
Chiara Geroldi: Force & Geometry. poster
Aldo Fagà: Sistemi Ecolutivi.
Chen Chih-Wei: Visual-communication representative system.
Hua Hao - Li Biao -  Zhang Hong: Self-adaptation to High Density Based on Sunlight Analysis.
Hua Hao - Li Biao - Lu Yu: Generative Tool for Courtyard Pattern.
Lee Wan-Jhen - Chien Sheng-Fen: A Generative Knowledge base System for Paper Packaging design.
Liao Hsiu-Ting: Concept Gradual Change with Shape Grammar.
Maria Ludovica Tramontin - Vittorio Tramontin: Generative Features: a Parametric Approach for exploring novel potential in Architectural Design Process.
Xu Ze Wei: De Code: A Generative System for Decorative Pattern Design.
Heloisa Helena da Fonseca Carneiro Leão: Is It Possible That Aesthetics Actions Promote Habit Changes And Tinge the World With A New Color? short paper
Terrie Man Chi Cheung - Brian Sze Hang Kwok: McSoundscape – A Soundscape Project to Represent The Spatial Identity of McDonald Restaurants In Hong Kong.
Giuseppe Marinelli - Mauro Palatucci: The future and the process of becoming: Reversiblity or Irreversiblity in the process between generative patterns and emerging factors.
HengFeng Zuo, Mark Jones: Texture: Visual Vs Tactile, Micro Vs Macro.
Mehrdad Garousi: Travelling through an infinite loop of planets. artwork
Sofia Oliveira - Jared Hawkey: TODAY – Mobile Application by CADA. artwork
Laurel Johannesson: Respiro. artwork
Jeanne Criscola: Tech_no_logica. artwork
Paul Kirby: presentation of his artwork made with robots. attending the conference
Linda Chiu-han Lai: participating to discussions. attending the conference
Tamara Lai: no future baby? web installation
Anabela Costa: LIQST_liquid state. movie
David Gladstein: FF—. movie
== Links ==
== Links ==

Version vom 14. Dezember 2014, 13:15 Uhr


Celestino Soddu (ed.): Generative Art 2008 GA2008, XII generative Art Conference 16-18 December 2008. ISBN: 978-88-96610-01-5.



Extended Abstract



Table of contents

Celestino Soddu: opening GA2008.

A. van der Zee - Bauke de Vries: Design by computation.

Anthony Viscardi: “REBAR” : making the ordinary-extraordinary - Arms, Wings and Mechanical Things (poster).

Carlos Aguilar - Hod Lipson: SEURAT: robotic painter.

Celestino Soddu: Alive Codeness.

Christian Kerrigan: The 200 year continuum.

Daniel Bisig - Martin Neukom: Swarm Based Music - Towards a Repertory of Strategies.

Enrica Colabella: Generative Art.

Gail Kenning: Exploring Evolutionary Possibilities for Digital Doilies.

Hector Rodriguez: Kinematograph.

Hela Ben Maallem - Paul Richard - Jean-Louis Ferrier: Can computer-aided Design be considered as Art or a Technique or Mathematics?

Hsiao Chun-Shuo - Liou Shuenn-Ren: Generating Architectural Envelope through Mathematica.

Iro Laskari: The Generative Audiovisual Narrative system.

Jan Kubasiewicz: The Language of Motion in the Context of Dynamic Media.

Jean-Paul Courchia - Righini M. - Courchia B.: The “Accusing Glance”: Change In Eye Movements During The Observation Of A Van Gogh’s Painting Before And After Artistic Information On The Work Of Art.

John Frazer - Gu Yan: A Generative Nervous System for the Planet.

Marie-Pascale Corcuff: Chance and Generativity.

Morteza Yamani: The achievement of paper’s high relief pattern through the application of heat, grain direction and releasing the strength of fibres.

Nick Spratt: Encouraging idleness – the networked screensaver.

Oday Qussay Al-chalabi - Talaat I. Alaane: The bases of generative Tomb in Islamic Architecture.

Peter Beyls: On-line Development of Man-Machine Relationships: Motivation-driven Musical Interaction.

Philip Galanter: What is Complexism? Generative Art and the Cultures of Science and the Humanities.

Renato Saleri Lunazzi - Marian Janda: GRUE: Génération régulée pour un urbanisme environmental.

Romain Clair - Nicolas Monmarché - Mohamed Slimane: Interactions between an artificial colony of musical ants and an impaired human composer: towards accessible generative arts.

Tatsuo Unemi, Daniel Bisig: A generative remixing of music tracks based on an interactive swarm.

Ted & Susan Carden: Mnemonic Descriptors as Generative Principles in Digital Type.

Tim Ireland: Sniffing space.

Enrica Colabella - Celestino Soddu - Su Stentu: in tundu tundu, ad continuum. performance

Dev Paramanik: New Rhythms of Pattern: Generating textile print patterns through motion-sensing technology.

Celestino Soddu: Ad continuum following the invention of G.B. Piranesi. poster

Maria Ludovica Tramontin - Alessandro Uras: From to digital to fabrication: an academic experience at the University of Cagliari. poster

Chiara Geroldi: Force & Geometry. poster

Aldo Fagà: Sistemi Ecolutivi.

Chen Chih-Wei: Visual-communication representative system.

Hua Hao - Li Biao - Zhang Hong: Self-adaptation to High Density Based on Sunlight Analysis.

Hua Hao - Li Biao - Lu Yu: Generative Tool for Courtyard Pattern.

Lee Wan-Jhen - Chien Sheng-Fen: A Generative Knowledge base System for Paper Packaging design.

Liao Hsiu-Ting: Concept Gradual Change with Shape Grammar.

Maria Ludovica Tramontin - Vittorio Tramontin: Generative Features: a Parametric Approach for exploring novel potential in Architectural Design Process.

Xu Ze Wei: De Code: A Generative System for Decorative Pattern Design.

Heloisa Helena da Fonseca Carneiro Leão: Is It Possible That Aesthetics Actions Promote Habit Changes And Tinge the World With A New Color? short paper

Terrie Man Chi Cheung - Brian Sze Hang Kwok: McSoundscape – A Soundscape Project to Represent The Spatial Identity of McDonald Restaurants In Hong Kong.

Giuseppe Marinelli - Mauro Palatucci: The future and the process of becoming: Reversiblity or Irreversiblity in the process between generative patterns and emerging factors.

HengFeng Zuo, Mark Jones: Texture: Visual Vs Tactile, Micro Vs Macro.

Mehrdad Garousi: Travelling through an infinite loop of planets. artwork

Sofia Oliveira - Jared Hawkey: TODAY – Mobile Application by CADA. artwork

Laurel Johannesson: Respiro. artwork

Jeanne Criscola: Tech_no_logica. artwork


Paul Kirby: presentation of his artwork made with robots. attending the conference

Linda Chiu-han Lai: participating to discussions. attending the conference

Tamara Lai: no future baby? web installation

Anabela Costa: LIQST_liquid state. movie

David Gladstein: FF—. movie


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