Inference and Design in Kuba and Zillij Art with Shape Grammars: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Aktuelle Version vom 30. Januar 2015, 22:45 Uhr


Ramgopal Rajagopalan, Eric Hortop, Dania El-Khechen, Cheryl Kolak Dudek, Lydia Sharman, Fred Szabo, Thomas Fevens and Sudhir Mudhur: Inference and Design in Kuba and Zillij Art with Shape Grammars. In: Bridges 2006. Pages 419–428



We present a simple method for structural inference in African Kuba cloth, and Moorish zillij mosaics. Our work is based on Stiny and Gips’ formulation of “Shape Grammars”. It provides art scholars and geometers with a simple yet powerful medium to perform analysis of existing art and draw inspiration for new designs. The analysis involves studying an artwork and capturing its structure as simple shape grammar rules. We then show how interesting families of artworks could be generated using simple variations in their corresponding grammars.

Extended Abstract


Used References

[1] Stiny G, Gips J, 1972, "Shape Grammars and the Generative Specification of Painting and Sculpture" in C V Freiman (ed) Information Processing 71 (Amsterdam: North-Holland) 1460-1465. Republished in Petrocelli O R (ed) 1972 The Best Computer Papers of 1971: Auerbach, Philadelphia 125-135.

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