Michael O'Neill

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Prof Michael O'Neill ist ein irischer Computerwissenschaftler und der Erfinder des Grammatical Genetic Programming. Er ist Direktor der Natural Computing Research & Applications Group, des Complex & Adaptive Systems Laboratory und Lehrstuhlinhaber für Business Analytics an der School of Business am University College Dublin (Ireland).

Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit

Künstlerische Tätigkeit


Umfassende Publikationsliste: http://www.ucd.ie/casl/people/principalinvestigators/oneillmichael/ > Publications


Fenton M., McNally C., Jonathan Byrne, Erik Hemberg, James McDermott, Michael O'Neill (2014) 'Automatic innovative truss design using grammatical evolution'. Automation in Construction.

Michael O'Neill, Nicolau M., Agapitos A. (2014) Experiments in Program Synthesis with Grammatical Evolution: a focus on Integer Sorting. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation

Tuite, C., Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2014) The Relationship between Semantic Distance and Performance in Dynamic Symbolic Regression Problems. 20th International Conference on Soft Computing (Mendel 2014) Brno, Czech Republic, , 25-JUN-14 - 27-JUN-14

James McDermott, Agapitos, A., Anthony Brabazon and Michael O'Neill (2014) Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming for Financial Data. 16th European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoApps 2014) Granada, Spain, , 23-APR-14 - 25-APR-14

Agapitos, A., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2014) Ensemble Bayesian Model Averaging in Genetic Programming. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2014) Beijing, , 06-JUL-14 - 11-JUL-14 , pp.2451-2458

Agapitos, A., James McDermott, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2014) Higher Order Functions for Kernel Regression. 17th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2014) Granada, Spain, , 23-APR-14 - 25-APR-14 , pp.1-12


Fagan D., Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill, McGarraghy S. (2013) Understanding Expansion Order and Phenotypic Connectivity in piGE. EuroGP 2013 the 16th European Conference on Genetic Programming

Pham T.A., Nguyen Q.U., Nguyen X.H., Michael O'Neill (2013) Examining the Diversity Property of Semantic Similarity based Crossover. EuroGP 2013 the 16th European Conference on Genetic Programming

Tuite, C., Agapitos, A., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2013) Towards a Dynamic Benchmark for Genetic Programming. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2013) Amsterdam, , 06-JUL-13 - 10-JUL-13

Fenton, M, McNally, C & Michael O'Neill (2013) The Interaction between Objectives and Constraints in Evolutionary Structural Engineering Optimisation. 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12) Raleigh, North Carolina, , 22-JUL-13 - 25-JUL-13

Agapitos, A., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2013) Adaptive Distance Metrics for Nearest Neighbour Classification based on Genetic Programming. 16th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2013) Vienna, , 03-APR-13 - 05-APR-13


Loughran R., Walker J., Michael O'Neill (2012) Genetic Programming for Musical Instrument Identification. EvoMUSART 2012 European Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design

James McDermott, Swafford, JM, Hemberg, M, Jonathan Byrne, Erik Hemberg, Fenton, M, McNally, C, Shotton, E, & Michael O'Neill; (2012) 'Advantages and limitations of string-rewriting grammars in evolutionary architectural design'. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39 (4):713-731. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1068/b38037

Fagan D., Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill, McGarraghy S. (2012) Fitness Reactive Mutation in Grammatical Evolution. Mendel 2012 the 18th International Conference on Soft Computing Brno, Czech Republic, , 27-JUN-13 - 29-JUN-13

Shaker N., Yannakakis G.N., Togelius J., Nicolau M., Michael O'Neill (2012) Evolving Personalized Content for Super Mario Bros Using Grammatical Evolution. Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-12) http://noorshaker.com/docs/PCGGE.pdf

Nguyen Q.U., Nguyen X.H., Michael O'Neill, Agapitos A. (2012) An Investigation of Fitness Sharing with Semantic and Syntactic Distance Metrics. EuroGP 2012 the 15th European Conference on Genetic Programming

Swafford, J.M., Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2012) Analyzing Module Usage in Grammatical Evolution. 12th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN 2012) Taromina, Sicily, Italy, , 01-SEP-12 - 05-SEP-12 , pp.347-356

Agapitos, A., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2012) Controlling Overfitting in Symbolic Regression based on a Bias/Variance Error Decomposition. 12th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN 2012) Taormina, Sicily, Italy, , 01-SEP-12 - 05-SEP-12 , pp.438-447

Swafford, J.M., Michael O'Neill, Erik Hemberg, Nicolau, M. and Anthony Brabazon (2012) Comparing Methods for Module Identification in Grammatical Evolution. In: T. Soule et al eds. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2012) Philadelphia, USA, , 07-JUL-12 - 11-JUL-12

Nicolau, M., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2012) Termination in Grammatical Evolution: Grammar Design, Wrapping, and Tails. World Congress on Computational Intelligence Brisbane, Australia, , 10-JUN-12 - 15-JUN-12


Nguyen Q.U., Nguyen X.H., Michael O'Neill, McKay R.I., Galvan-Lopez E.; (2011) 'Semantically-based Crossover in Genetic Programming: Application to Real-Valued Symbolic Regression'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 12 (2):91-119.

Galvan-Lopez E., James McDermott, Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2011) 'Defining locality as a problem difficulty measure in genetic programming'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 12 (4):365-401.

Michael O'Neill, Nicolau, M. and Anthony Brabazon (2011) Dynamic Environments Can Speed Up Evolution with Genetic Programming. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2011) Dublin, Ireland, , 12-JUL-11 - 16-JUL-11

Nguyen Q.U., Murphy E., Michael O'Neill, Nguyen X.H. ; (2011) Semantic-based Subtree Crossover Applied to Dynamic Problems. KSE 2011 The Third International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering Hanoi, Vietnam,

Pospichal P., Murphy E., Michael O'Neill, Jaros J., Schwarz J.; (2011) Acceleration of Grammatical Evolution Using Graphics Processing Units. GECCO 2011: ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference CIGPU Workshop Dublin, Ireland,

Nguyen Q.U., Nguyen X.H., Michael O'Neill; (2011) Examining the Landscape of Semantic Similarity based Mutation. GECCO 2011: ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Dublin, Ireland,

Murphy, E., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2011) Examining Mutation Landscapes In Grammar Based Genetic Programming. 14th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2011) Turino, Italy, , 27-APR-11 - 29-JAN-11 , pp.130-141

Swafford, J,. M., Michael O'Neill, Nicolau, M. and Anthony Brabazon (2011) Exploring Grammatical Modification with Modules in Grammatical Evolution. 14th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2011) Torino, Italy, , 27-APR-11 - 29-APR-11 , pp.310-321

Perez, D., Nicolau, M., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2011) Evolving Behaviour Trees for the Mario Bros Game Using Grammatical Evolution. 3rd European event on bio-inspired algorithms in games (EvoGames 2011) Torino, Italy, , 27-APR-11 - 29-APR-11 , pp.123-132 http://aimario.googlecode.com/svn-history/r104/trunk/Doc/EvoGames/mario.pdf

Agapitos, A., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2011) Stateful Program Representations for Evolutionary Sequence Learning. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2011) Dublin, , 12-JUL-11 - 16-JUL-11

Tuite, C., Agapitos, A., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2011) Early Stopping Criteria to Counteract Overfitting in Genetic Programming. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2011) Dublin, , 12-JUL-11 - 16-JUL-11

Murphy, E., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2011) A Comparison of GE and TAGE in Dynamic Environments. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2011) Dublin, , 12-JUL-11 - 16-JUL-11 , pp.1387-1394

Perez, D., Nicolau, M., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2011) Reactiveness and Navigation in Computer Games: Different Needs, Different Approaches. 2011 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games , 31-AUG-11 - 02-SEP-11 , pp.273-280 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6032017&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D6032017 http://cilab.sejong.ac.kr/cig2011/proceedings/CIG2011/papers/paper62.pdf

Swafford, J. M., Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill, Nicolau, M. and Anthony Brabazon (2011) A Non-Destructive Grammar Modification Approach to Modularity in Grammatical Evolution. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2011) , 12-JUL-11 - 16-JUL-11 , pp.1411-1418

Fagan, D., Nicolau, M., Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2011) Dynamic Ant: Introducing a New Benchmark for Genetic Programming in Dynamic Environments. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2011) Dublin, Ireland, , 12-JUL-11 - 16-JUL-11


Michael O'Neill, James McDermott, Swafford, J.M., Jonathan Byrne, Erik Hemberg, Shotton, E., McNally, C., Anthony Brabazon & Hemberg, M.; (2010) Evolutionary Architectural Design using Grammatical Evolution and Shape Grammars: A Single Person Shelter Design Challenge. International Journal of Design Engineering, 3 (1):4-24. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJDE.2010.032820 http://ncra.ucd.ie/papers/ijde03012010ONeill.pdf

Hugosson J., Erik Hemberg, Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill; (2010) 'Genotype Representations in Grammatical Evolution'. Applied Soft Computing, 10 :36-43.

Hugosson, J., Erik Hemberg, Anthony Brabazon and Michael O'Neill; (2010) 'An investigation of the mutation operator using different representations in Grammatical Evolution'. Applied Soft Computing, 10 (1):36-43. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2009.05.003

James McDermott, Niall J. L. Griffith, Michael O'Neill; (2010) 'Interactive EC Control of Synthesized Timbre'. Evolutionary Computation, 18 (2):277-303. Available Online

McKay, R.I., Nguyen X.H., Whigham, P.A., Shan, Y., Michael O'Neill; (2010) 'Grammar-based Genetic Programming: A Survey'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 11 (3). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/:%2010.1007/s10710-010-9109-y

Nguyen Q.U., Nguyen T.H., Nguyen X.H., Michael O'Neill; (2010) Improving the Generalisation Ability of Genetic Programming with Semantic Similarity based Crossover. EuroGP 2010 the 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming

Galvan-Lopez, G., Swafford, J. M., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Evolving a Ms. PacMan Controller Using Grammatical Evolution. 2nd European Workshop on Bio-inspired Algorithms in Games (EvoGames 2010) Istanbul, Turkey, , 07-APR-10 - 09-APR-10 http://ncra.ucd.ie/papers/evolvingMsPacmanControllerEvoGames2010.pdf

Shao, J., James McDermott, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Jive: A Generative, Interactive, Virtual, Evolutionary Music System. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6025, Springer eds. 8th European Workshop on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design EvoMUSART 2010 Istanbul, Turkey, , 07-APR-10 - 09-APR-10 , pp.341-350 http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jianhua_Shao/publication/220867228_Jive_A_Generative_Interactive_Virtual_Evolutionary_Music_System/links/0c960518791f70f6f3000000

Jonathan Byrne, James McDermott, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2010) An analysis of the behaviour of mutation in Grammatical Evolution. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6021, Springer eds. 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2010) Istanbul, Turkey, , 07-APR-10 - 09-APR-10 , pp.14-25

Fagan, D, Michael O'Neill, Galvan-Lopez, E., Anthony Brabazon and McGarraghy, S. ; (2010) An Analysis of Genotype-Phenotype Maps in Grammatical Evolution. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6021, Springer eds. 13th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2010) Istanbul, Turkey, , 07-APR-10 - 09-APR-10 , pp.62-73

Murphy J.E., Carr H., Michael O'Neill; (2010) Animating Horse Gaits and Transitions. EuroGraphics UK Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2010

Jonathan Byrne, O'Neill M., Anthony Brabazon (2010) Optimising Offensive Moves in Toribash. Proceedings of Mendel 2010 16th International Conference on Soft Computing

Nguyen Q.U., Nguyen X.H., Michael O'Neill, McKay B.; (2010) The Role of Syntactic and Semantic Locality of Crossover in Genetic Programming. 11th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving From Nature

Jonathan Byrne, James McDermott, Galvan-Lopez E., Michael O'Neill; (2010) Implementing an Intuitive Mutation Operator for Interactive Evolutionary 3D Design. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5586485&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D5586485

Swafford J.M., Michael O'Neill; (2010) An Examination on the Modularity of Grammars in Grammatical Evolutionary Design. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation http://researchrepository.ucd.ie/bitstream/handle/10197/2544/an examination.pdf?sequence=1

Nguyen Q.U., McKay R.I., Michael O'Neill, Nguyen X.H. ; (2010) Self-Adapting Semantic Sensitivities for Semantic Similarity Based Crossover. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Comptuation

Nguyen Q.U., Nguyen X.H., McKay R.I., Michael O'Neill; (2010) Semantics Based Crossover for Boolean Problems. GECCO 2010 Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation

James McDermott, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Interactive Interpolating Crossover in Grammatical Evolution. 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010) Barcelona, , 18-JUL-10 - 23-JUL-10 , pp.3018-3025

James McDermott, Jonathan Byrne, Swafford, J.M., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Higher-Order Functions in Aesthetic EC Encodings. 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010) Barcelona, , 18-JUL-10 - 23-JUL-10 , pp.2816-2823

Murphy, E., Michael O'Neill, Galvan-Lopez, E. and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Tree-Adjunct Grammatical Evolution. 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010) Barcelona, , 18-JUL-10 - 23-JUL-10 , pp.4449-4456

Galvan-Lopez, E., Fagan, D., Murphy, E., Swafford, J. M., Agapitos, A., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Comparing the Performance of the Evolvable PiGrammatical Evolution Genotype-Phenotype Map to Grammatical Evolution in the Dynamic Ms. Pac-Man Environment. 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010) Barcelona, , 18-JUL-10 - 23-JUL-10 , pp.1587-1594

Galvan-Lopez, E., James McDermott, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Defining Locality in Genetic Programming to Predict Performance. 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010) Barcelona, , 18-JUL-10 - 23-JUL-10 , pp.1828-1835

Galvan, E., James McDermott, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Towards an Understanding of Locality in Genetic Programming. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2010) Portland, Oregon, , 07-JUL-10 - 11-JUL-10 , pp.901-908

Fagan, D., Nicolau, M., Michael O'Neill, Galvan-Lopez, E. and Anthony Brabazon (2010) Investigating Mapping Order in piGE. 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010) Barcelona, , 18-JUL-10 - 23-JUL-10 , pp.3058-3064


  • Dempsey, I., Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2009) Foundations in Grammatical Evolution for Dynamic Environments. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.

Fan, K., Anthony Brabazon, O'Sullivan, C. and Michael O'Neill; (2009) 'A comparative study of the canonical genetic algorithm and a real-valued quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm'. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 2 (3):494-512.

Galvan-Lopez, E., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2009) Towards Understanding the Effects of Locality in Genetic Programming. 8th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( MICAI0 ) Guanajuato, Mexico, , 09-NOV-09 - 13-NOV-09 , pp.9-14

Nguyen Q.U., Michael O'Neill, Nguyen X.H., McKay R.I., Galvan-Lopez E.; (2009) Semantic Similarity based Crossover in GP: The case for Real-valued Function Regression. EA'09 Evolution Artificielle

Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2009) An investigation into automatically defined function representations in Grammatical Evolution. Mendel 2009 15th International Conference on Soft Computing

Nguyen Q.U., Nguyen X.H., Michael O'Neill; (2009) Semantics Based Mutation in Genetic Programming: The case for real-valued symbolic regression. Mendel 2009 15th International Conference on Soft Computing

Murphy J, Michael O'Neill, Carr H,; (2009) Gait Optimisation for Distinct Horse Models Using Grammatical Evolution. MENDEL 2009: 15th International Conference on Soft Computing

Galvan E., Michael O'Neill; (2009) On the Effects of Locality in a Permutation Problem: The Sudoku Puzzle. IEEE Symposium in Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG 2009)

Jonathan Byrne, Michael O'Neill, James McDermott, Anthony Brabazon (2009) Structural and Nodal Mutation in Grammatical Evolution. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2009 Montreal, Canada, , 08-JUL-09 - 12-JUL-09

Michael O'Neill, Swafford, J. M., James McDermott, Jonathan Byrne, Anthony Brabazon, Shotton, E., McNally, C., and Hemberg, M. ; (2009) Shape Grammars and Grammatical Evolution for Evolutionary Design. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009) Montreal, Canada, , 08-JUL-09 - 12-JUL-09 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elizabeth_Shotton/publication/220742031_Shape_grammars_and_grammatical_evolution_for_evolutionary_design/links/09e415108f9d535d9e000000.pdf?ev=pub_int_doc_dl&origin=publication_detail&inViewer=true

Nguyen, Q.U., Nguyen, X.H., Michael O'Neill; (2009) Semantic Aware Crossover for Genetic Programming: the case for real-valued function regression. EuroGP 2009 the 12th European Conference on Genetic Programming Tubingen, Germany, , 15-APR-09 - 17-APR-09

Reddin, J., James McDermott, Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill; (2009) Elevated Pitch: Automated Grammatical Evolution of Short Compositions. 7th European Workshop on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design Tubingen, Germany, , 15-APR-09 - 17-APR-09 http://www.skynet.ie/~jmmcd/papers/em.pdf

Jonathan Byrne, Michael O'Neill, Erik Hemberg, Anthony Brabazon (2009) Analysis of Constant Creation Techniques on the Binomial-3 Problem in Grammatical Evolution. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation Trondheim, Norway, , 18-MAY-09 - 21-MAY-09

Jonathan Byrne, Michael O'Neill, James McDermott and Anthony Brabazon (2009) Structural and Nodal Mutation in Grammatical Evolution. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009) Montreal, Canada, , 08-JUL-09 - 12-JUL-09

Michael O'Neill, Swafford, J.M., James McDermott, Jonathan Byrne, Anthony Brabazon, Shotton, E., McNally, C. & Hemberg, M.; (2009) Shape Grammars and Grammatical Evolution for Evolutionary Design. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) Montreal, Canada, , 10-JUL-09 - 12-JUL-09

Loughran R., Walker J., Michael O'Neill; (2009) An Exploration of Genetic Algorithms for Efficient Musical Instrument Identification. Irish Signals and Systems Conference http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5524694&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D5524694


Michael O'Neill, Erik Hemberg, Gilligan, C., Bartley, E., James McDermott, Anthony Brabazon (2008) 'GEVA: Grammatical Evolution in Java'. ACM SIGEVOlution, 3 (2):17-23. http://www.sigevolution.org/issues/pdf/SIGEVOlution200802.pdf

Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2008) Grammatical Bias and Building Blocks in Meta-grammar Grammatical Evolution. 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2008) Hong Kong, , 01-JUN-08 - 06-JUN-08 , pp.3776-3783

Fan, K., Anthony Brabazon and Michael O'Neill; (2008) Benchmarking the Performance of the Real-valued Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm. 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2008) Hong Kong, , 01-JUN-08 - 06-JUN-08 , pp.3079-3085

Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon and Erik Hemberg; (2008) Subtree Deactivation Control with Grammatical Genetic Programming. 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2008) Hong Kong, , 01-JUN-08 - 06-JUN-08 , pp.3769-3775

Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2008) Altering Search Rates of the Meta and Solution Grammars in the mGGA . In: O'Neill, M., Vanneschi, L. et al eds. 11th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2008) Naples, Italy, , 26-MAR-08 - 28-MAR-08

Erik Hemberg, McPhee, N., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2008) Pre-, In- and Postfix grammars for Symbolic Regression in Grammatical Evolution. IEEE Workshop and Summer School on Evolutionary Computing Derry, Ireland, , pp.18-22

Kreutzer C., Walker, J., Michael O'Neill; (2008) Time Domain Attack and Release Modeling Applied to Spectral Domain Sound Synthesis. SIGMAP 2008 International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications Porto, Portugal,

Murphy, J.E., Carr, H., Michael O'Neill; (2008) Grammatical Evolution for Gait Retargeting. Sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics TPCG08 Eurographics University of Manchester, UK,

Loughran R., Walker J., O'Farrell M., Michael O'Neill; (2008) Comparison of Features in Musical Instrument Identification Using Artificial Neural Networks. Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval CMMR 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark,

Loughran R., O'Farrell M., Walker J., Michael O'Neill; (2008) Musical Instrument Identification Using Principal Component Analysis and Multi Layered Perceptrons. IEEE International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing Shanghai, China,

Kreutzer C., Walker J., Michael O'Neill; (2008) A Parametric Model for Spectral Sound Synthesis of Musical Sounds. IEEE International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing Shanghai, China,

Piccand S., Michael O'Neill, Walker J.; (2008) On the Scalability of Particle Swarm Optimisation. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence Hong Kong,

James McDermott, Niall J. L. Griffith, Michael O'Neill; (2008) New Generation Methods in an Interpolating EC Synthesizer Interfac. EvoMUSART 2008 The Sixth European Workshop on Evolutionary Music and Art Naples, Italy, , 26-MAR-08 - 28-MAR-08


James McDermott, Niall J. L. Griffith, Michael O’Neill: Evolutionary Computation Applied to Sound Synthesis. In: Juan Romero; Penousal Machado: The Art of Artificial Evolution: A Handbook on Evolutionary Art and Music. Springer, Berlin, 2007, S. 81-101 DOI: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-72877-1_4

Dempsey I., Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2007) 'Constant Creation with Grammatical Evolution'. JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS, 1 (1).

Erik Hemberg, Gilligan C., Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2007) A Grammatical Genetic Programming Approach to Modularity in Genetic Algorithms. EuroGP . In: Ebner M., O'Neill M., Ekart A., Vanneschi L., and Esparcia Alcazar A eds. Tenth European Conference on Genetic Programming Valencia, Spain,

Hugosson, J., Erik Hemberg, Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill; (2007) An investigation of the mutation operator using different representations in Grammatical Evolution. 2nd International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA 2007) Wisla, Poland, , 15-OCT-07 - 17-OCT-07 , pp.409-419

James McDermott, Niall J. L. Griffith, Michael O'Neill; (2007) Evolutionary GUIs for Sound Synthesis. EvoMUSART 2007 The 5th European Workshop on Evolutionary Music and Art

Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., Matthews R., Michael O'Neill, Costa E. ; (2007) 'Simulating Product Invention using InventSim' In: Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., Matthews R., O'Neill M., Costa E. ; (eds). Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computing for Economy and Management. Hershey, PA: Idea Group. , pp.379-394

Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill (2007) 'Classification with piGrammatical Evolution. Studies in Computational Intelligence: Knowledge-Driven Computing' In: Brabazon A., O'Neill M. ; (eds). Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent Computations. Berlin Heidleberg: Springer.


Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2006) 'Grammatical Swarm: The Generation of Programs by Social Programming'. Natural Computing, 5 (4):443-462.

Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2006) Grammatical Differential Evolution. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'06)

Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2006) Self-Organizing Swarm (SoSwarm): A Particle Swarm Algorithm for Unsupervised Learning. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence

Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2006) Self-Organizing Swarm (SoSwarm). Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2006

Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill; (2006) Classification using the SOSwarm algorithm. Third International Conference on Computational Management Science

James McDermott, Niall J. L. Griffith, Michael O'Neill; (2006) Timbral, Perceptual and Statistical Attributes for Synthesized Sound. International Computer Music Conference New Orleans

Michael O'Neill, Leahy F., Anthony Brabazon (2006) 'Grammatical Swarm: A variable-length Particle Swarm Algorithm' In: O'Neill M., Leahy F., Brabazon A.; (eds). Swarm Intelligent Systems. Berlin Heidleberg: Springer. , pp.59-74

Dempsey I., Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill (2006) 'A Grammatical Genetic Programming Representation for Radial Basis Function Networks' In: Dempsey I., Brabazon A., O'Neill M. ; (eds). Engineering Evolutionary Intelligent Systems. Berlin Heidleberg: Springer-Verlag.


Anthony Brabazon, Silva A. and Michael O'Neill; (2005) Agent Based Modelling of Product Invention. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2005

Amarteifio S., Michael O'Neill; (2005) Evolving Antibodies for XMLGE. Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2005

Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon (2005) Recent Adventures in Grammatical Evolution. In Computer Methods and Systems Computer Methods and Systems CMS'05

Michael O'Neill, Adley C., Anthony Brabazon (2005) Grammatical Evolution Approach to Eukaryotic Promoter Recognition Bioinformatics INFORM Workshop and Symposium (Poster) Dublin City University,

James McDermott, Niall J. L. Griffith and Michael O'Neill; (2005) Toward User-Directed Evolution of Sound Synthesis Parameters EvoWorkshops 2005

Dempsey I., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2005) meta-Grammar Constant Creation with Grammatical Evolution. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2005

Cleary R., Michael O'Neill; (2005) An Attribute Grammar Decode for the 0/1 Multiconstrained Knapsack Problem European Conference on Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimisation EvoCOP 2005

Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., Michael O'Neill, Matthews R. and Costa E.; (2005) A Memetic Model of Product Invention. Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2005

Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., O'Neill M. and Costa E.; (2005) 'Simulating the Strategic Adaptation of Organisations using OrgSwarm' In:Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., O'Neill M. and Costa E.; (eds). Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications. Chapman and Hall.


Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., O'Neill M., Matthews R. and Costa E. ; (2004) Investigating Organizational Strategic Inertia Using a Particle Swarm Model Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2004

Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., Michael O'Neill, Matthews R. and Costa E.; (2004) A Particle Swarm Model of Organizational Adaptation Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2004 Seattle, USA, , 26-JUN-04 - 30-JUN-04 , pp.12-23

Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., Michael O'Neill, Matthews R. and Costa E.; (2004) OrgSwarm - A Particle Swarm Model of Organizational Adaptation. 11th International Conference on Neural Information Processing

Dempsey I., Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2004) Grammatical Constant Creation. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2004 Seattle, USA, , 26-JUN-04 - 30-JUN-04 , pp.447-458

Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon and Adley C.; (2004) The Automatic Generation of Programs for Classification Problems with Grammatical Swarm. Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC 2004

Amarteifio S., Michael O'Neill; (2004) An Evolutionary Approach to Complex System Regulation using Grammatical Evolution. Artificial Life 9

Michael O'Neill and Anthony Brabazon (2004) Grammatical Swarm. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2004 Seattle, USA, , 26-JUN-04 - 30-JUN-04

Anthony Brabazon, Matthews R. and Michael O'Neill; (2004) 'Grammar, Representations, Mental Maps and Corporate Strategy' In: Gardner, C., Biberman, J. and Alkhafaji, A., Saline (eds). Business Research Yearbook. McNaughton & Gunn.

Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., Michael O'Neill, Matthews R. and Costa E.; (2004) 'A particle swarm model of strategic adaptation' In: Anthony Brabazon, Silva A., de Sousa T.F., O'Neill M., Matthews R. and Costa E.; (eds). Business Research Yearbook. McNaughton & Gunn.


  • Michael O'Neill, Ryan C. ; (2003) Grammatical Evolution. Evolutionary Automatic Programming in an Arbitrary Language. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Michael O'Neill, Ryan, C., Keijzer, M., Cattolico, M.; (2003) 'Crossover in Grammatical Evolution'. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 4 (1):67-93.

Michael O'Neill, Dempsey I., Anthony Brabazon, Ryan C. ; (2003) Analysis of a Digit Concatenation Approach to Constant Creation. European Conference on Genetic Programming EuroGP 2003 173-182 LNCS 2610 Springer Essex, UK, , pp.173-182

Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill and Matthews R. ; (2003) Representations and Mental Maps: Insights into Strategy. British Academy of Management Annual Conference 2003


  • Ryan C., Michael O'Neill (2002) How to do anything with grammars. Workshops
  • Michael O'Neill, and Ryan C.; (2002) Investigations into Memory in Grammatical Evolution. Workshops

Nicolau M., Ryan C., Michael O'Neill (2002) Genetic Algorithms using Grammatical Evolution. Evolution European Conference on Genetic Programming EuroGP 2002 278-287 LNCS 2278 Springer Kinsale, Ireland, , pp.278-287

Ryan C., Azad A., Sheahan A., Michael O'Neill (2002) No Coercion and No Prohibition. European Conference on Genetic Programming EuroGP 2002 131-141 LNCS 2278 Springer Kinsale, Ireland, , pp.131-141

Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill, Ryan C., Matthews R. ; (2002) Evolving classifiers to model the relationships between strategy and corporate performance using grammatical evolution. European Conference on Genetic Programming EuroGP 2002 103-112 LNCS 2278 Springer Kinsale, Ireland, , pp.103-112

Anthony Brabazon, Michael O'Neill, Matthews R., Ryan C. ; (2002) Grammatical Evolution and Corporate Failure Prediction. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO. Morgan Kaufmann New York, NY, USA, , pp.1011-1018

Keijzer M., Michael O'Neill, Ryan C., Cattolico M. ; (2002) Grammatical Evolution Rules: The mod and The Bucket Rule. European Conference on Genetic Programming EuroGP 2002 123-130 LNCS 2278 Springer Kinsale, Ireland, , pp.123-130


Michael O'Neill, M., Ryan, C.; (2001) 'Grammatical Evolution'. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 5 (4):349-358.

Michael O'Neill, Ryan C., Keijzer M., Cattolico M. ; (2001) Crossover in Grammatical Evolution: The Search Continues. European Conference on Genetic Programming EuroGP 2001 337-347 LNCS 2038 Springer Lake Como, Italy, , pp.337-347

Michael O'Neill, Ryan C., Nicolau M. ; (2001) Grammar Defined Introns: An Investigation into Grammars, Introns, and Bias in Grammatical Evolution. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 2001 San Francisco, CA, USA, , pp.97-103

Keijzer M., Ryan C., Michael O'Neill, Cattolico M. ; (2001) Ripple Crossover in Genetic Programming European Conference on Genetic Programming EuroGP 2001 74-86 LNCS 2038 Springer Lake Como, Italy, , pp.74-86


Collins J.J., Michael O'Neill; (2000) Visualisation of Evolutionary Algorithms using Principal Components Analysis. Fifth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics AROB Japan, , pp.247-250

Michael O'Neill, Ryan C.; (2000) Grammar based function definition in Grammatical Evolution. 2nd Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO Las Vegas, USA, , pp.485-490

Michael O'Neill, Collins J.J., Ryan C. ; (2000) Automatic Programming of Robots. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science AICS

Michael O'Neill, Ryan C. ; (2000) Crossover in Grammatical Evolution: A Smooth Operator? EuroGP 2000 European Conference on Genetic Programming , pp.149-162


Michael O'Neill, Ryan C. ; (1999) Automatic Generation of Programs with Grammatical Evolution. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science AICS University College Cork, Ireland,

Michael O'Neill, Ryan C. ; (1999) Genetic Code Degeneracy: Implications for Grammatical Evolution and Beyond. Fifth European Conference on Artificial Life, Springer , pp.149-153

Michael O'Neill, Ryan C. ; (1999) Under the Hood of Grammatical Evolution. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO 1999 Banzhaf Orlando, Florida, USA,

Michael O'Neill, Ryan C. ; (1999) An Intelligent System Based on the Human Immune System. Cognitive Science for the New Millenium (Poster) University College Dublin, Ireland,


Ryan C., Michael O'Neill, Collins J.J.; (1998) Grammatical Evolution: Solving Trigonometric Identities. Mendel 4th International Mendel Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Optimisation Problems, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Rough Sets Brno, Czech Republic, , pp.111-119

Ryan C., Collins J.J., Michael O'Neill (1998) Grammatical Evolution: Evolving Programs for an Arbitrary Language. EuroGP'98 First European Workshop on Genetic Programming Paris, France, , pp.83-96

Ryan C., Michael O'Neill (1998) Grammatical Evolution: A Steady State approach. Second International Workshop on Frontiers in Evolutionary Algorithms Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA, , pp.419-423

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