The role of blending in mathematical invention

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Felix Bou, Marco Schorlemmer, Joe Corneli, Danny Gomez Ramirez, Ewen Maclean, Alan Smaill and Alison Pease: The role of blending in mathematical invention. In: Computational Creativity 2015 ICCC 2015, 55-62.



We model the mathematical process whereby new mathematical theories are invented. Here we explain the use of conceptual blending for this purpose, and show examples to illustrate the process in action. Our longerterm goal is to support machine and human mathematical creativity.

Extended Abstract


 author = {Bou, Felix and Schorlemmer, Marco and Corneli, Joe and Ramirez, Danny Gomez and Maclean, Ewen and Smaill, Alan and Pease, Alison},
 title = {The role of blending in mathematical invention},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity},
 series = {ICCC2015},
 year = {2015},
 month = {Jun},
 location = {Park City, Utah, USA},
 pages = {55-62},
 url = {},
 url = {},
 publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
 keywords = {computational, creativity},

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