An Evolutionary Approach to Automatic Web Page Categorization and Updating

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V. Loia, P. Luengo: An Evolutionary Approach to Automatic Web Page Categorization and Updating. in: First Asia–Pacific Conference, Maebashi City, Japan, 2001, pp. 292–302



Catalogues play an important role in most of the current Web search engines. The catalogues, which organize documents into hi- erarchical collections, are maintained manually increasin gdifficulty and costs due to the incessant growing of the WWW. This problem has stim- ulated many researches to work on automatic categorization of Web doc- uments. In reality, most of these approaches work well either on special types of documents or on restricted set of documents. This paper presents an evolutionary approach useful to construct automatically the catalogue as well as to perform the classification of a Web document. This function- ality relies on a genetic-based fuzzy clustering methodology that applies the clusterin gon the context of the document, as opposite to content- based clusterin gthat works on the complete document information

Extended Abstract


author="Loia, Vincenzo and Luongo, Paolo",
editor="Zhong, Ning and Yao, Yiju and Liu, Jiming and Ohsuga, Setsuo",
title="An Evolutionary Approach to Automatic Web Page Categorization and Updating",
bookTitle="Web Intelligence: Research and Development: First Asia-Pacific Conference, WI 2001 Maebashi City, Japan, October 23--26, 2001 Proceedings",
publisher="Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
address="Berlin, Heidelberg",

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