Color and Texture-Based Segmentation using EM and its Application to Content-Based Image Retrieval
Serge Belongie, Chad Carson, Hayit Greenspan and Jitendra Malik: Color and Texture-Based Segmentation using EM and its Application to Content-Based Image Retrieval. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer Vision, Vol. 10, pp. 675-682, Jan 1998.
Retrieving images from large and varied collections using image content as a key is a challenging and important problem. In this paper we present a new image representation which provides a transformation from the raw pixel data to a small set of image regions which are coherent in color and texture space. This so-called “blobworld” representation is based on segmentation using the expectation-maximization algorithm on combined color and texture features. The texture features we use for the segmentation arise from a new approach to texture description and scale selection. We describe a system that uses the blobworld representation to retrieve images. An important and unique aspect of the system is that, in the context of similarity-based querying, the user is allowed to view the internal representation of the submitted image and the query results. Similar systems do not offer the user this view into the workings of the system; consequently, the outcome of many queries on these systems can be quite inexplicable, despite the availability of knobs for adjusting the similarity metric
Extended Abstract
@INPROCEEDINGS{710790, author={S. Belongie and C. Carson and H. Greenspan and J. Malik}, booktitle={Computer Vision, 1998. Sixth International Conference on}, title={Color- and texture-based image segmentation using EM and its application to content-based image retrieval}, year={1998}, pages={675-682}, keywords={image representation;image segmentation;information retrieval;query processing;content-based image retrieval;expectation-maximization algorithm;image regions;image representation;image segmentation;scale selection;similarity-based querying;texture description;texture features;Application software;Computer science;Content based retrieval;Expectation-maximization algorithms;Image databases;Image representation;Image retrieval;Image segmentation;Information retrieval;Pixel}, doi={10.1109/ICCV.1998.710790}, url={}, month={Jan}, }
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