Computational Creativity Conceptualisation Grounded on ICCC Papers

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Senja Pollak, Biljana Mileva Boshkoska, Dragana Miljkovic, Geraint Wiggins and Nada Lavrac: Computational Creativity Conceptualisation Grounded on ICCC Papers. In: Computational Creativity 2016 ICCC 2016, 123-130



In information science, it is considered that domain conceptualization can be realized by (one or several) ontologies. This paper presents a method of semi-automated domain conceptualization, where the domain of interest is Computational Creativity (CC). Grounded on papers, which were published in six consecutive years since 2010 in the Proceedings of International Conferences on Computational Creativity (ICCC), this paper proposes a tentative conceptualization of the CC domain. Some additional properties of the CC domain are studied, analysed by means of fully mechanical or semi-automated information extraction and dependency analysis techniques. This approach affords an interesting opportunity for automated historiography of a research field.

Extended Abstract


 author = {Senja Pollak, Biljana Mileva Boshkoska, Dragana Miljkovic, Geraint Wiggins and Nada Lavrac},
 title = {Computational Creativity Conceptualisation Grounded on ICCC Papers},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity},
 series = {ICCC2016},
 year = {2016},
 month = {Jun-July},
 location = {Paris, France},
 pages = {123-130},
 url = { },
 publisher = {Sony CSL Paris},

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