Computational Esthetics

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Scha, R., Bod, R.: Computationele Esthetica. In: Informatie en Informatiebeleid 11(1), 54–63 (1993), English translation: Computational Esthetics


Scha, R., Bod, R.: Computationele Esthetica. In: Informatie en Informatiebeleid 11(1), 54–63 (1993), English translation: Computational Esthetics



Formal theories which compute the "beauty coefficient" of visual patterns, fail to do justice to the complexity of the esthetic experience. These "computational esthetic" models do, however, embody some notions that are needed to build formal models of human perceptual processes -- and these, in their turn, must be the basis of any empirically adequate esthetic theory.

Though the esthetic experience remains one of the most enigmatic side-effects of human perception, several mathematical models have been proposed which assign to visual patterns a "beauty coefficient" -- a number that is intended to correlate with the degree of esthetic pleasure the pattern evokes. Such theories seem a little naive, because they focus on a quantitative and absolute beauty judgment. They disregard the qualitative aspects of specific esthetic experiences, and do not account for the context-dependence and variability of beauty-judgments. It is interesting, nevertheless, to look at the operation of these excessively simplistic beauty calculations; if we integrate them with other ideas from perceptual psychology and computational linguistics, they may in fact constitute a starting point for the development of more adequate formal models.

Extended Abstract


Used References

Roland Barthes: Éléments de Sémiologie. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1964.

Max Bense: Aesthetica. Einführung in die neue Aesthetik. Baden-Baden: Agis-Verlag, 1965.

G.D. Birkhoff: Collected Mathematical Papers. New York: American Mathematical Society, 1950.

Rens Bod: "Using an Annotated Corpus as a Virtual Grammar." Proceedings EACL'93, Utrecht, 1993.

William Desmond: Art and the Absolute. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1986.

Karl Gerstner: "The Precision of Sensation" In: H. Stierlin (ed.): "The Spirit of Colors. The Art of Karl Gerstner". Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1981.

R. Gunzenhäuser: Mass und Information als ästhetische Kategorien. Baden-Baden: Agis Verlag, 1975.

Immanuel Kant: Kritik der Urteilskraft. 1799.

Susanne Langer: Problems of Art. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1957.

E.L.J. Leeuwenberg: "A Perceptual Coding Language for Visual and Auditory Patterns." Am. J. Psychology, 84 (1971).

Remko Scha: "Virtual Grammars en Creative Algorithms." Gramma/TTT, 1,1 (1992).

Claude E. Shannon: "A Mathematical Theory of Communication." Bell Syst. Techn. J., 27 (1948).


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