Content Based Image Retrieval using Exact Legendre moments and support vector machine
Srinivasa Rao, Srinivas Kumar and Chandra Mohan: Content Based Image Retrieval using Exact Legendre moments and support vector machine. The International Journal of Multimedia & its Applications (IJMA), Vol.2, No.2, pp. 69-79,May 2010
Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems based on shape using invariant image moments, viz., Moment Invariants (MI) and Zernike Moments (ZM) are available in the literature. MI and ZM are good at representing the shape features of an image. However, non-orthogonality of MI and poor reconstruction of ZM restrict their application in CBIR. Therefore, an efficient and orthogonal moment based CBIR system is needed. Legendre Moments (LM) are orthogonal, computationally faster, and can represent image shape features compactly. CBIR system using Exact Legendre Moments (ELM) for gray scale images is proposed in this work. Superiority of the proposed CBIR system is observed over other moment based methods, viz., MI and ZM in terms of retrieval efficiency and retrieval time. Further, the classification efficiency is improved by employing Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Improved retrieval results are obtained over existing CBIR algorithm based on Stacked Euler Vector (SERVE) combined with Modified Moment Invariants (MMI).
Extended Abstract
@article{ author = {Srinivasa Rao, Srinivas Kumar and Chandra Mohan}, title = {Content Based Image Retrieval using Exact Legendre moments and support vector machine}, journal = {The International Journal of Multimedia & its Applications (IJMA)}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {69-79}, year = {2010}, doi={}, url={}, }
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