Creative Evolutionary Systems

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- Peter J. Bentley, David W. Corne: Creative Evolutionary Systems. 1 Aufl., Academic Press Inc, Orlando, 2001, ISBN 978-1558606739, 576 Seiten.



The use of evolution for creative problem solving is one of the most exciting and potentially significant areas in computer science today. Evolutionary computation is a way of solving problems, or generating designs, using mechanisms derived from natural evolution. This book concentrates on applying important ideas in evolutionary computation to creative areas, such as art, music, architecture, and desgn. It shows how human interaction, new representations, and approaches such as open-ended evolution can extend the capabiities of evolutionary computation from optimization of existing solutions to innovation and the generation of entirely new and original solutions. This book takes a fresh look at creativity, exploring what it is and how the actions of evolution can resemble it. Examples of novel evolved solutions are presented in a variety of creative disciplines. The editors have compiled contributions by leading researchers in each discipline.

Extended Abstract



editor = "Corne, Peter J BentleyDavid W. ",
booktitle = "Creative Evolutionary Systems ",
publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann",
edition = "",
address = "San Francisco",
year = "2002",
series = "The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence",
isbn = "978-1-55860-673-9",
doi = "",
url = " ",
author = "Steven Rooke"

Table of contents (23 chapters)


Peter J. Bentley, David W. Corne: Introduction to creative evolutionary systems. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 1 - 75

Evolutionary creativity

Tim Taylor: Creativity in evolution: individuals, interactions, and environments. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 79 - 108

Celestino Soddu: Recognizability of the idea: the evolutionary process of Argenìa. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 109 - 127

Mitchell Whitelaw: Breeding aesthetic objects: art and artificial evolution. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 129 - 145

Liane Gabora: The beer can theory of creativity. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 147 - 161

Evolutionary music

John A. Biles: GenJam: evolution of a jazz improviser. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 165 - 187

Eduardo Reck Miranda: On the origins and evolution of music in virtual worlds. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 189 - 204

Artemis Moroni, Jonatas Manzolli, Fernando Von Zuben, Ricardo Gudwin: Vox populi: evolutionary for music evolution. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 205 - 221

Sam Woolf, Andrian Thomas: The sound gallery---an interactive A-life artwork. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 223 - 250

Creative evolutionary design

John Frazer: Creative design and the generative evolutionary paradigm. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 253 - 274

John R. Koza, Forrest H. Bennett, III, David Andre, Martin A. Keane: Genetic programming: biologically inspired computation that exhibits creativity in producing human-competitive results. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 275 - 298

Helen Jackson: Toward a symbiotic coevolutionary approach to architecture. 299 - 313

Peter von Buelow: Using evolutionary algorithms to aid designers of architectural structures. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 315 - 336

Evolutionary art

Steven Rooke: Eons of genetically evolved algorithmic images. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 339 - 365

Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund: Arts, robots, and evolution as a tool for creativity. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 367 - 385

Paul Brown: Stepping stones in the mist. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 387 - 407

Peter J. B. Hancock, Charlie D. Frowd: Evolutionary generation of faces. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 409 - 423

A. E. Eiben, R. Nabuurs, I. Booij: The Escher evolver: evolution to the people. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 425 - 439

Evolutionary innovation

Julian F. Miller, Tatianna Kalganova, Dominic Job, Natalia Lipnitskaya: The genetic algorithm as a discovery engine: strange circuits and new principles. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 443 - 466

R. E. Smith, B. A. Dike, B. Ravichandran, A. El-Fallah, R. K. MehraDiscovering novel fighter combat maneuvers: simulating test pilot creativity. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 467 - 486

Derek S. Linden: Innovative antenna design using genetic algorithms. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 487 - 510

Jordan B. Pollack, Hod Lipson, Sevan Ficici, Pablo Funes, Greg Hornby, Richard A. Watson: Evolutionary techniques in physical robotics. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 511 - 523

Shail Patel, Ian Stott, Manmohan Bhakoo, Peter Elliot: Patenting evolved batericidal peptides. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 525 - 545


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