Creative Search Trajectories and their Implications

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Kyle Jennings: Creative Search Trajectories and their Implications. In: Computational Creativity 2012 ICCC 2012, 49-56.



Creative search trajectories are chronologically orga- nized intermediate products (such as sketches and drafts) from the creative process. We discuss what sorts of conclusions can be made when these trajecto- ries show non-monotonic progress toward the final cre- ation. We introduce several key distinctions that are of- ten overlooked, and argue that two null hypothesis pro- cesses must be rejected before non-monotonicity can be claimed to support more complex processes. We show that these null hypotheses are in fact difficult to rule out definitively using the sorts of evidence that past research has offered.

Extended Abstract


author = {Kyle Jennings},
title = {Creative Search Trajectories and their Implications},
editor = {Mary Lou Maher, Kristian Hammond, Alison Pease, Rafael Pérez y Pérez, Dan Ventura and Geraint Wiggins},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Creativity},
series = {ICCC2012},
year = {2012},
month = {May},
location = {Dublin, Ireland},
pages = {49-56},
url = {, },
publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
keywords = {computational, creativity},

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