Creativity refined: bypassing the gatekeepers of appropriateness and value

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Alan Dorin, Kevin B. Korb: Creativity refined: bypassing the gatekeepers of appropriateness and value. In: McCormack & d’Inverno: Computers and Creativity, Springer, Berlin, 2012, 339-360



This chapter introduces a new definition of creativity that is independent of notions of value or appropriateness. These notions, we argue, have encumbered previous definitions and confused the production of software-based creativity. Our definition defines the creativity of a generative procedure by reference to its ability to create artefacts that are improbable with respect to those generated using previous methods. We discuss the implications of our new definition, in particular by exploring its application to human endeavour and to biological processes including evolution. The chapter also outlines some objections to our definition that we believe may arise, and we put our rebuttals to these. Finally, we summarise the practical implementation of our definition in the context of image generation software. We explore its use to improve a computational process for generating creative images, and find when we survey the software’s users that it successfully meets human perceptions of creativity.

Extended Abstract


booktitle={Computers and Creativity},
editor={McCormack, Jon and d’Inverno, Mark},
title={Creativity Refined: Bypassing the Gatekeepers of Appropriateness and Value},
url={ },
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Dorin, Alan and Korb, KevinB.},

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