Darwin’s Enduring Legacy – Images of computational evolution of creativity research

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Kevin Padian: Darwin’s Enduring Legacy – Images of computational evolution of creativity research. The Journal Nature, Selected by the Nature editors to accompany this essay (Commissioned, not peer reviewed). Vol 451, pp 632-633, Feb, 2008.



Perhaps no individual has had such a sweeping influence on so many facets of social and intellectual life as Charles Dar- win, born on 12 February 1809. Of the other two of the great nineteenth-century triumvirate of European thinkers, Marx’s ideas have been distorted beyond recog- nition in their political execution, and Freud’s approach to the psyche no longer merits scientific recognition. Neither man had Darwin’s impact on the structure of empirical knowledge.

In the past century and a half, Darwin’s ideas have inspired powerful images and insights in science, humanities and the arts. Meanwhile, countless commentators ignorant of his meaning have borrowed his eloquence to plump their own chick- ens — from capitalism to ‘evolutionary psychology’. Darwin has been invoked as the demon responsible for a variety of perceived heartless ills of society, including atheism, Nazism, communism, abortion, homosexuality, stem-cell research, same- sex marriage, and the abridgement of all our natural freedoms. One can scarcely imagine the horror that Darwin would feel at the misunderstanding, misappro- priation and vilification of his ideas in the 125 years since his death.

Extended Abstract


Used References

Desmond, A. J. & Moore, J. Charles Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist (Warner, New York, 1991).

Browne, J. Charles Darwin: Voyaging (Princeton Univ. Press, 1996).

Quammen, D. The Reluctant Mr. Darwin (Norton, New York, 2006).

Ellegård, A. Darwin and the General Reader (Univ. Chicago Press, 1958).

Eldredge, N. & Gould, S. J. in Models in Paleobiology (ed. T. J. M. Schopf) 82–115 (Freeman, Cooper & Co., San Francisco, 1972).

Padian, K. Nature 390, 460 (1997).


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