Developmental modelling with SDS

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Porter, B. & Jon McCormack: Developmental modelling with SDS. Computers & Graphics. Vol. 34(4), pp. 294 – 303, 2010.



This paper describes modelling methods based on biological development for use in computer graphics applications, specifically the automated growth and development of complex organic shapes that are difficult to model directly. We examine previous approaches, including grammar-based methods, embedded systems and cellular models. Each system can be classified as endogenous (internally determined) or exogenous (externally determined), with some models exhibiting features of both. We then introduce a new model, the Simplicial Developmental System (SDS), which simulates individual cells embedded in a physical environment, with cell division, movement and growth controlled by morphogenetic chemical simulation. SDS uses a tetrahedral mesh as its base representation for geometric modelling and physical simulation. Cell growth, movement and division are determined by simulating chemical morphogens that are diffused between cells according to a set of user defined rules. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this model in terms of the competing goals of user control, developmental complexity and open-ended development (the ability to generate new component structures without explicit specification). Examples highlighting the strengths of the model are illustrated.

Extended Abstract


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