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Version vom 4. November 2014, 12:19 Uhr


Frowd, Charlie; Hancock, Peter: Evolving Human Faces. In: Romero, Juan; Machado, Penousal: The Art of Artificial Evolution. Springer, Berlin, 2007, S. 189-210.




Witnesses and victims of serious crime are normally requested to construct a picture of the criminal’s face. These pictures are known as facial composites and are typically produced by a witness recalling details of the face and then selecting individual facial features: hair, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. While composites remain an important tool for the apprehension of criminals, research has suggested that, even under favorable conditions, they are rarely recognized. In the current chapter, we present a new method called EvoFIT whereby users select complete faces and a composite is “evolved” using a Genetic Algorithm. While considerable development was required to tune the new approach, research indicates that EvoFIT now produces more identifiable composites than those produced from the traditional “feature” systems. Novel applications of the technology are also discussed.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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