Fractal patterns and pseudo-tilings based on spirals

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Fathaner, R.: Fractal patterns and pseudo-tilings based on spirals. In: Bridges Proceedings 2004, pp. 203–210 (2004).



A variety of fractal patterns and pseudo-tHings are described that are created by iterative arrangement of successively smaller spirals and spiral-shaped tiles. In some cases, these are used to create two-dimensional designs that resemble natural trees.

Extended Abstract


Used References

[1] See, for example, the InfInite Fractal Loop:

[2] Robert W. Fathauer, Self-similar Tilings Based on Prototiles Constructed from Segments of Regular Polygons, in Proceedings of the 2000 Bridges Conference, edited by Reza Sarhangi, pp. 285-292, 2000.

[3] Robert W. Fathauer, Fractal tilings based on kite- and dart-shaped prototiles, Computers & Graphics, Vol. 25, pp. 323-331,2001.

[4] Robert W. Fathauer, Fractal tilings based on v-shaped prototiles, Computers & Graphics, Vol. 26, pp. 635-643, 2002.

[5] John Sharp, Beyond the Golden Section - the Golden tip of the iceberg, in Proceedings of the 2000 Bridges Conference, edited by Reza Sarhangi, pp. 87-98, 2000.

[6] Heinz-Otto Peitgen, Hartmut JUrgens, and Dietmar Saupe, Fractals for the Classroom, Part One (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1992).

[7] For descriptions of different types of spirals, see for example the Geometry Juilkyard:


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