Generalize and Blend: Concept Blending Based on Generalization, Analogy, and Amalgams

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Tarek R. Besold and Enric Plaza: Generalize and Blend: Concept Blending Based on Generalization, Analogy, and Amalgams. In: Computational Creativity 2015 ICCC 2015, 150-157.



Concept blending, a cognitive process which allows for the combination of certain elements (and their relations) from originally distinct conceptual spaces into a new unified space combining these previously separate elements and allowing the performance of reasoning and inference over the combination, is taken as a key element of creative thought and combinatorial creativity. In this paper, we provide an intermediate report on work towards the development of a computational-level and algorithmic-level account of concept blending, presenting the theoretical background together with the main model characteristics, as well as two case studies.

Extended Abstract


 author = {Besold, Tarek R. and Plaza, Enric},
 title = {Generalize and Blend: Concept Blending Based on Generalization, Analogy, and Amalgams},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Creativity},
 series = {ICCC2015},
 year = {2015},
 month = {Jun},
 location = {Park City, Utah, USA},
 pages = {150-157},
 url = {,_Analogy,_and_Amalgams },
 publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
 keywords = {computational, creativity},

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