Generative and Evolutionary Design in Design Education

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Markus Schein, Ole Werner: Generative and Evolutionary Design in Design Education. In: Generative Art 2004.



This paper discusses the experience made when starting to establish “Generative and Evolutionary Design” as a new teaching subject in the curriculum of our design department. It discusses different approaches, successes and shortcomings in teaching this subject by presenting some exemplarily projects of last years courses.

Extended Abstract


Used References

(1) Dehlinger, Hans (Hrsg.): Linienspiele: Mit dem Computer erzeugte Strichstrukturen. Gesamshochschule Kassel Fachbereich Produktdesign. 1984

(2) Galanter, P.: What is Generative Art? Complexity Theory as a Context for Art Theory. In: Soddu, C: Proceedings of 6th international conference Generative Art. Generative Design Lab. Polytecnico di Milano. Mailand. 2003. p. 219.

(3) Dörner, Dietrich: Die Logik des Mißlingens - Strategisches denken in komlexen Situationen. Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, Hamburg.1989. p. 190

(4) Rittel, H. W. J.: Planen Entwerfen Design. Kohlhammer Verlag. Stuttgart. 1992. p. 77 and following.

(5) Makoto Sei Watanabe: Induction Design. A Method for Evolutionary Design. Birkhäuser Verlag. Basel. 2002. p.7.

(6) Piller, Frank T.: Kundenindividuelle Massenproduktion. Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien. 1998.

(7) Schein Markus: Next Generations Computer Aided Design - Next Generation CAD-Education? In: iF International Forum Design GmbH: ICSID and Education Conference Critical Motivations and New Dimensions. Hannover. 2003

(8) same as (7)

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(10) Soddu, C: Proceedings of 5th international conference Generative Art. Generative Design Lab. Polytecnico di Milano. Mailand. 2002.

(11) Markus Schein, Gregor Zimmermann, Ole Werner (Hrsg.): Sweet Greens - A comuter generated landscape. Books on Demand, Norderstedt. 2004

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