Genr8: Architects’ Experience with an Emergent Design Tool
Hemberg, Martin; O'Reilly, Una-May; Menges, Achim; Jonas, Katrin; Gonçalves, Michel; Fuchs, Steven: Genr8: Architects’ Experience with an Emergent Design Tool. In: Romero, Juan; Machado, Penousal: The Art of Artificial Evolution. Springer, Berlin, 2007, S. 167-188.
We present the computational design tool Genr8 and six different architectural projects making extensive use of Genr8. Genr8 is based on ideas from Evolutionary Computation (EC) and Artificial Life and it produces surfaces using an organic growth algorithm inspired by how plants grow. These algorithms have been implemented as an architect’s design tool and the chapter provides an illustration of the possibilities that the tool provides.
Extended Abstract
@incollection{ year={2008}, isbn={978-3-540-72876-4}, booktitle={The Art of Artificial Evolution}, series={Natural Computing Series}, editor={Romero, Juan and Machado, Penousal}, doi={10.1007/978-3-540-72877-1_8}, title={Genr8: Architects’ Experience with an Emergent Design Tool}, url={’_Experience_with_an_Emergent_Design_Tool }, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author={Hemberg, Martin and O’Reilly, Una-May and Menges, Achim and Jonas, Katrin and Gonçalves, MicheldaCosta and Fuchs, StevenR.}, pages={167-188}, language={English} }
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