Improvisational Media Space: Architecture and Strategies for Evolution
Nemirovsky, Paul; Luger-Guillaume, Rebecca: Improvisational Media Space: Architecture and Strategies for Evolution. In: EvoMUSART 2004, S. 457-466.
This paper presents the current state in an ongoing development of the Emonic Environment (EE): a real-time improvisational system employing evolutionary principles for the mutation of media space. We position the associated problems in the context of user interaction, provide eight principles essential for creating an improvisational media environment, follow with a description of how the EE implements these principles, and conclude with a description of the evolutionary algorithms’ functionality.
Extended Abstract
@incollection{ year={2004}, isbn={978-3-540-21378-9}, booktitle={Applications of Evolutionary Computing}, volume={3005}, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor={Raidl, GüntherR. and Cagnoni, Stefano and Branke, Jürgen and Corne, DavidWolfe and Drechsler, Rolf and Jin, Yaochu and Johnson, ColinG. and Machado, Penousal and Marchiori, Elena and Rothlauf, Franz and Smith, GeorgeD. and Squillero, Giovanni}, doi={10.1007/978-3-540-24653-4_47}, title={Improvisational Media Space: Architecture and Strategies for Evolution}, url={ }, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author={Nemirovsky, Paul and Luger-Guillaume, Rebecca}, pages={457-466}, language={English} }
Used References
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