Knowledge-Level Creativity in Game Design

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Adam M. Smith and Michael Mateas: Knowledge-Level Creativity in Game Design. In: Computational Creativity 2011 ICCC 2011, pp. 16-21.



Drawing on inspirations outside of traditional computa- tional creativity domains, we describe a theoretical ex- planation of creativity in game design as a knowledge seeking process. This process, based on the practices of human game designers and an extended analogy with creativity in science, is amenable to computational rea- lization in the form of a discovery system. Further, the model of creativity it entails, creativity as the rational pursuit of curiosity, suggests a new perspective on ex- isting artifact generation challenges and prompts a new mode of evaluation for creative agents (both human and machine).

Extended Abstract


author = {Adam M. Smith and Michael Mateas},
title = {Knowledge-Level Creativity in Game Design},
editor = {Dan Ventura, Pablo Gervás, D. Fox Harrell, Mary Lou Maher, Alison Pease and Geraint Wiggins},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Creativity},
series = {ICCC2011},
year = {2011},
month = {April},
location = {México City, México},
pages = {16-21},
url = {, },
publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
keywords = {computational, creativity},

Used References

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