Learning of Rule Ensembles for Multiple Attribute Ranking Problems

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Krzysztof Dembczyński, Wojciech Kotłowski, Roman Słowiński, Marcin Szeląg: Learning of Rule Ensembles for Multiple Attribute Ranking Problems. In: Fürnkranz, J. and Hüllermeier, E.: Preference Learning, 2011, 217-247.




In this paper, we consider the multiple attribute ranking problem from a Machine Learning perspective. We propose two approaches to statistical learning of an ensemble of decision rules from decision examples provided by the Decision Maker in terms of pairwise comparisons of some objects. The first approach consists in learning a preference function defining a binary preference relation for a pair of objects. The result of application of this function on all pairs of objects to be ranked is then exploited using the Net Flow Score procedure, giving a linear ranking of objects. The second approach consists in learning a utility function for single objects. The utility function also gives a linear ranking of objects. In both approaches, the learning is based on the boosting technique. The presented approaches to Preference Learning share good properties of the decision rule preference model and have good performance in the massive-data learning problems. As Preference Learning and Multiple Attribute Decision Aiding share many concepts and methodological issues, in the introduction, we review some aspects bridging these two fields. To illustrate the two approaches proposed in this paper, we solve with them a toy example concerning the ranking of a set of cars evaluated by multiple attributes. Then, we perform a large data experiment on real data sets. The first data set concerns credit rating. Since recent research in the field of Preference Learning is motivated by the increasing role of modeling preferences in recommender systems and information retrieval, we chose two other massive data sets from this area – one comes from movie recommender system MovieLens, and the other concerns ranking of text documents from 20 Newsgroups data set.

Extended Abstract


booktitle={Preference Learning},
editor={Fürnkranz, Johannes and Hüllermeier, Eyke},
title={Learning of Rule Ensembles for Multiple Attribute Ranking Problems},
url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-14125-6_11, http://de.evo-art.org/index.php?title=Learning_of_Rule_Ensembles_for_Multiple_Attribute_Ranking_Problems },
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Dembczyński, Krzysztof and Kotłowski, Wojciech and Słowiński, Roman and Szeląg, Marcin},

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