Learning representations for creative design using evolution

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Schnier, T and Gero, JS (1996): Learning representations for creative design using evolution. AIEDAM Artificial intelligence for engineering design analysis and manufacturing 03/1996; 10(02), 175-177.




Creative design has been characterized in computational terms as “that design activity which occurs when a new variable is introduced into the design” (Gero, 1994). This is opposed to “routine design,” where “knowledge about variables, objectives expressed in terms of those variables, constraints expressed in terms of those variables, and the processes needed to find values for those variables, are all known a priori.” A third alternative, “innovative design,” occurs when no new variables are introduced, but when one or more variables are used with values outside the usual scope. In computational terms, routine design can also be seen as “search,” (sometimes also called “exploitation”) in so far as a certain, predefined search space is searched for a design solution. For creative design, where the search proceeds outside the boundaries of a predefined search space, the term “exploration” can be used.

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