Logic-based Genetic Programming with Definite Clause Translation Grammars

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Brian J. Ross: Logic-based Genetic Programming with Definite Clause Translation Grammars. New Generation Computing, v.19, n.4, 2001, pp. 313-337.





DCTG-GP is a genetic programming system that uses definite clause translation grammars. A DCTG is a logical version of an attribute grammar that supports the definition of context-free languages, and it allows semantic information associated with a language to be easily accommodated by the grammar. This is useful in genetic programming for defining the interpreter of a target language, or incorporating both syntactic and semantic problem-specific constraints into the evolutionary search. The DCTG-GP system improves on other grammar-based GP systems by permitting nontrivial semantic aspects of the language to be defined with the grammar. It also automatically analyzes grammar rules in order to determine their minimal depth and termination characteristics, which are required when generating random program trees of varied shapes and sizes. An application using DCTG-GP is described.

Extended Abstract


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