Maintaining Population Diversity in Evolutionary Art

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Eelco den Heijer, A. E. Eiben: Maintaining Population Diversity in Evolutionary Art. In: EvoMUSART 2012, S. 60-71.



Evolutionary art is inherently more concerned with exploration than with exploitation, because users are typically more interested in evolving a collection of diverse images than converging to a single ‘optimal’ image. However, maintaining diversity is a difficult task. In this paper we investigate various techniques to promote population diversity in evolutionary art. We introduce customised mutation and crossover operators that perform a local search to diversify individuals and evaluate the effect of these operators on population diversity. We also investigate alternatives for the fitness crowding operator in NSGA-II; we use a genotype and a phenotype distance function to calculate the crowding distance and investigate their effect on population diversity.

Extended Abstract


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Maintaining Population Diversity in Evolutionary Art using Structured Populations