Number Theory and Art

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Vera W. de Spinadel: Number Theory and Art. In: Bridges 2003. Pages 415–422



The Metallic Means Family (MMF), was introduced by the author [1], as a family of positive irrational quadratic numbers, with many mathematical properties that justify the appearance of its members in many different fields of knowledge, including Art. Its more conspicuous member is the Golden Mean. Other members of the MMF are the Silver Mean, the Bronze Mean, the Copper Mean, the Nickel Mean, etc.

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Used References

1] Spioadel Vera W. de, From the Golden Mean to chaos, Nueva Librerfa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998.

[2] Kepler Johannes, Mysterium Cosmographicum de admirabili proportione orbium celestium, 1596.

[3] Plato, Timaeus. D. Lee (trans.), New York: Penguin, 1977.

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