Origami Tessellations

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Helena Verrill: Origami Tessellations. In: Bridges 1998. Pages 55–68



Origami tessellations are made from a single piece of paper, which is folded in a repeating pattern. Figure l.a shows an example of a crease pattern for an origami tessellation. This pattern was created with the aim of producing a finished pattern of repeating "heart" shapes.

The problem of finding tessellations which can be folded is difficult because the paper must not be stretched or cut, and must end up as a flat sheet, so this imposes many conditions on the pattern to be folded. An understanding of the geometry of tessellations and of paper folding is required. However, the study of paper folding is still in its infancy, and many questions which have been an- swered for Euclidean constructions remain unanswered for origami methods; for instance, although impossible with Euclidean geometry, it is simple to trisect an angle using folding techniques, (see [HU2I]). However a satisfactory list of axioms, and a list of exactly what is possible, and what is not possible, for origami-geometry constructions has not been found conclusively, though several attempts have been made (See [H4)). On the other hand, though some geometric constructions may be easier with origami, the problem of determining whether a crease pattern can be collapsed to give a flat origami, or even folded at all, is generally very difficult (see [BH] and [K]). ...

Extended Abstract


Used References

[BP] Barreto, P. and C. K. Palmer, Explo and Anto presentation, Bay Area Rapid Folders Newsletter, Spring 1997.

[B] A. Bateman, http://www.sanger.ac.uk/..-.agb/Origami/origami.html

[BH] M. Bern, and B. Heyes, The complexity of fiat origami, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Sym- posium on Discrete Algorithms, 175-183, ACM, New York, 1996.

[F] S. Fujimoto, Invitation to creative origami playing (in Japanese), Asahi Culture Center, 1982.

[GS] B. Griinbaum, and G. C. Sheppard, Tilings and patterns, W. H. Freeman and Co., New York, 1987.

[Huz] H. Huzita, The trisection of a given angle solved by the geometry of origami, Proceedings of the First Interna- tional Meeting of Origami Science and Technology, Ferrara, Itally, December 1989.

[HI] T. Hull, Origametry, 1994. (Unpublished manuscript).

[H2] T. Hull, Origami Tessellations, Part 2, "Tom Hull's Thing", Vol. 2.2, February 1995.

[H3] T. Hull, Origami Tessellations, Part 3, "Tom Hull's Thing", Vol. 2.3, April 1995.

[H4] T. Hull, On the mathematics of fiat origamis, Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 100 (1994), 215-224.

[H5] T. Hull, http://www.math.uri.edu/hull/Dragonbib.html

[Ka] T. Kawasaki, On the relation between mountain-creases and valley-creases of a fiat origami (in Japanese), Sasebo College of Technology Report, Vol. 27 (1990), 55-80.

[KY] T. Kawasaki, and M. Yoshida, Crystallographic flat origamis, Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Ser. A, Vol. 42, No.2, 1988, pp. 153-157.

[KI] D. H. Kling, Doubly periodic flat surfaces in three-space, Ph.D. thesis, Rutgers, New Brunswick, New Jersey, October 1997.

[L] D. Lister, Tessellations" af/-d "Tessellations again e-mails to origami-I, July 1997. See http://www.the- village.com/origami/listserv~search.html

[M] K. M. Montesinos, Classical tessellations and three manifolds, Springer Verlag, 1987.

[PI] C. K. Palmer, http!/www.cea.edu/sarah/chris/

[P2] C. K. Palmer, Extruding and tessellating polygons from a plane, Proceedings of the Second International Meeting of Origami Science and Technology, Otsu, Japan, December 1994.

[P3] C. K. Palmer, Periotych tile system, The Paper, Summer 1996, published by Origami USA.

[Sh] J. Shafer, The mathematics of flashers, Bay Area Rapid Folders Newsletter, Spring 1995, page 13. (See http//www.krmusic.com/barf/bakissu.htm)

[Sm] J. Smith, Half a square, e-mail to origami-I, November 1997.

[VI] H. Verrill, http:/ fmast.queensu.ca/",helena/origami/tessellations/

[V2] H. Verrill, Some origami tessellation problems, preprint, January 1998.

[V3) H. Verrill, Some parameterizing of some origami tessellations, preprint, February 1998.

[V4] H. Verrill, Origami weave patterns and star patterns, preprint, May 1998.

[W] D. Wells, The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry, Penguin, 1991, ISBN: 0140118136


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