Support vector machine concept-dependent active learning for image retrieval

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E. Chang, S. Tong, K. Goh, and C. Chang: Support vector machine concept-dependent active learning for image retrieval. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 2, 2005.



Relevance feedback is a critical component when designing image databases. With these databases it is difficult to specify queries directly and explicitly. Relevance feedback interactively learns a user’s desired output or query concept by asking the user whether certain proposed images are relevant or not. For a learning algorithm to be effective, it must learn a user’s query concept accurately and quickly, while also asking the user to label only a small number of images. In addition, the concept-learning algorithm should consider the complexity a concept in determining its learning strategies. In this paper, we present the use of support vector machines active learning in a concept-dependent way (SVMCD Active ) for conducting relevance feedback. We characterize a concept’s complexity using three measures: hit-rate, isolation and diversity. To reduce concept complexity so as to improve concept learnability, we propose a multimodal learning approach that uses images’ semantic labels to intelligently adjust the sampling strategy and the sampling pool of SVMCD Active . Our empirical study on several datasets shows that active learning outperforms traditional passive learning, and concept-dependent learning is superior to the traditional concept- independent relevance-feedback schemes.

Extended Abstract


author = {E. Chang, S. Tong, K. Goh, and C. Chang},
title = {Support vector machine concept-dependent active learning for image retrieval},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Multimedia},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
year = {2005},

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