The Effects of Randomly Sampled Training Data on Program Evolution

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Brian J. Ross: The Effects of Randomly Sampled Training Data on Program Evolution. GECCO 2000, ed. D. Whitley et al., Morgan Kaufmann, 2000, pp. 443-450.



The e ects of randomly sampled training data on genetic programming performance is empirically investigated. Often the most natural, if not only, means of characterizing the target behaviour for a problem is to ran- domly sample training cases inherent to that problem. A natural question to raise about this strategy is, how deleterious is the ran- domly sampling of training data to evolution performance? Will sampling reduce the evo- lutionary search to hill climbing? Can re- sampling during the run be advantageous? We address these questions by undertaking a suite of di erent GP experiments. Pa- rameters include various sampling strategies (single, re-sampling, ideal samples), genera- tional and steady{state evolution, and non{ evolutionary strategies such as hill climbing and random search. The experiments con rm that random sampling e ectively character- izes stochastic domains during genetic pro- gramming, provided that a su ciently rep- resentative sample is used. An unexpected result is that genetic programming may per- form worse than random search when the sampled training sets are exceptionally poor. We conjecture that poor training sets cause evolution to prematurely converge to unde- sirable optima, which irrevocably handicaps the population's diversity and viability.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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