The Elevation of Coxeter's Infinite Regular Polyhedron 444444

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Rinus Roelofs: The Elevation of Coxeter's Infinite Regular Polyhedron 444444. In: Bridges 2016, Pages 33–40.



In their book “La Divina Proportione” [1],[2], Luca Pacioli and Leonardo da Vinci described and illustrated an operation which you can apply to a polyhedron, called Elevation. Starting from Pacioli’s basic idea, resulting in a second layer around a polyhedral shape, we can develop this idea further towards entwined double layer structures. Some of them are single objects, others appear to be compounds.

Extended Abstract


 author      = {Rinus Roelofs},
 title       = {The Elevation of Coxeter's Infinite Regular Polyhedron 444444},
 pages       = {33--40},
 booktitle   = {Proceedings of Bridges 2016: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Education, Culture},
 year        = {2016},
 editor      = {Eve Torrence, Bruce Torrence, Carlo S\'equin, Douglas McKenna, Krist\'of Fenyvesi and Reza Sarhangi},
 isbn        = {978-1-938664-19-9},
 issn        = {1099-6702},
 publisher   = {Tessellations Publishing},
 address     = {Phoenix, Arizona},
 url         = {'s_Infinite_Regular_Polyhedron_444444 },
 note        = {Available online at \url{}}

Used References

[1] Luca Pacioli – Leonardo da Vinci, La Divina Proportione, 1509, Ed. Akal, S.A., Madrid, 1991

[2] Luca Pacioli, Divina Proportione: Die Lehre Vom Goldenen Schnitt, 1509, Ed. Carl Graeser, Wien, 1896.

[3] Rinus Roelofs, Connected Holes, Bridges Proceedings, Leeuwarden, 2008.

[4] Rinus Roelofs, Elevations and Stellations, Bridges Proceedings, Seoul, 2014.

[5] Rinus Roelofs, The Concept of Elevation applied on Flat Patterns, Bridges Proceedings, Baltimore, 2015.


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