The design of high-level features for photo quality assessment

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Ke, Y., Tang, X., Jing, F.: The design of high-level features for photo quality assessment. In: Fitzgibbon, A., Taylor, C.J., LeCun, Y. (eds.) CVPR (1), pp. 419–426. IEEE Computer Society (2006).



We propose a principled method for designing high level features forphoto quality assessment. Our resulting system can classify between high quality professional photos and low quality snapshots. Instead of using the bag of low-level features approach, we first determine the perceptual factors that distinguish between professional photos and snapshots. Then, we design high level semantic features to measure the perceptual differences. We test our features on a large and diverse dataset and our system is able to achieve a classification rate of 72% on this difficult task. Since our system is able to achieve a precision of over 90% in low recall scenarios, we show excellent results in a web image search application.

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Used References

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