Interior Illumination Design Using Genetic Programming

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Kelly Moylan, Brian J. Ross: Interior Illumination Design Using Genetic Programming. In: EvoMUSART 2015, 148-160.



Interior illumination is a complex problem involving numerous interacting factors. This research applies genetic programming towards problems in illumination design. The Radiance system is used for performing accurate illumination simulations. Radiance accounts for a number of important environmental factors, which we exploit during fitness evaluation. Illumination requirements include local illumination intensity from natural and artificial sources, colour, and uniformity. Evolved solutions incorporate design elements such as artificial lights, room materials, windows, and glass properties. A number of case studies are examined, including a many-objective problem involving 6 illumination requirements, the design of a decorative wall of lights, and the creation of a stained-glass window for a large public space. Our results show the technical and creative possibilities of applying genetic programming to illumination design.

Extended Abstract


booktitle={Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Johnson, Colin and Carballal, Adrian and Correia, João},
title={Interior Illumination Design Using Genetic Programming},
url={ },
publisher={Springer International Publishing},
keywords={Illumination; Genetic programming; Radiance; Many-objective optimization},
author={Moylan, Kelly and Ross, Brian J.},

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